Labor and Community for an Independent Party
Labor And Community For An Independent Party
Labor and Community for an Independent PartyP.O. Box 3425Oakland, CA 94609
Or click to Email LCIP
Labor and Community For An Independent Party is comprised of political, trade union, and community activists from different political backgrounds. We have decided to constitute ourselves as the Labor and Community for an Independent Party (LCIP).
If you are interested in joining LCIP, or you would like to reach out to LCIP with questions, please fill out the form below, then click the Submit button.
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Our organization supports LCIP.
I or We would like to further support LCIP by allowing our name to be listed on the Supporters & Endorsers state pages.
I/We would like to get involved in one or more of these activities: Join LCIP
Help to build a coalition in my city, with the aim of running independent labor-community candidates and advancing the effort to build a new mass party for working people.
Request a speaker to address my union or community organization.
Request support in drafting a resolution on this issue for my union or community organization.
Alan Benjamin – OPEIU Delegate to San Francisco Labor Council; Editorial Board member of The Organizer newspaper (Northern California)
* Editorial board member, The Organizer newspaper
* Delegate to San Francisco Labor Council fro OPEIU Local 29
• Past Executive Committee member (retired) of San Francisco Labor Council
* Member, Organizing Committee, Binational (US-Mexico) Conference Against NAFTA 2.0 and the Wall of Shame
• Member, Coordinating Committee, International Workers Committee Against War and Exploitation
• Founding member, U.S. Labor Against the War
• Member, Administrative Committee, Labor Fightback Network
Building Block Coalitions for an Independent Party of Labor and the Communities of he Oppressed by Alan Benjamin