
Donorbox is a US-based technology company offering a secure, online fundraising platform (Secured by SSL/TLS, it is PCI compliant). Donorbox is used by 35,000+ Organizations, supports 11 languages. The platform accepts donations from Credit Cards, Mobile Payments, banks & more.
Whether you are a candidate, political campaign, organization or non-profit, Donorbox is a good tool to utilize. Donorbox is widely used by political fundraisers — Elections for City Council, Judge, District Commissioner, Mayor, even Presidential Campaigns.
You can customize colors to coordinate with your website, add a number of custom suggested amounts, set reoccurring payments for those that like the convenience of subscribing.
Besides your general contribution campaign, you can create specific donor campaigns for special events.
You can create a number of filters to sort and create reports of your contributions and your contributors.