“Break the Grip of the Two-Party System: Labor & Community for an Independent Party”

Originally published on 10/16/2019
Regional Conference
Cleveland, Ohio
December 7, 2019
Dear Sisters and Brothers,
Please join us in Cleveland, Ohio, on December 7 at a regional conference titled, “Break the Grip of the Two-party System: Labor & Community for an Independent Party.”
The conference is sponsored by Labor Education and Arts Project (LEAP) in cooperation with Labor and Community for an Independent Party (LCIP).
This two-fold event will be held with a conference from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. followed by a dinner session with speakers from 5 p.m. till 8 p.m.

The Labor Education & Arts Project sponsored a Eugene V. Debs Centennial in October 2018 that featured the letter of greetings sent to the gathering by Mark Dimondstein, president of the American Postal Workers Union (APWU). In that letter Brother Dimondstein noted that, “the fundamental politics of both the Democratic and Republican parties … have undercut and failed the working class.”
As was the case with the multi-panel Centennial, the topics for the conference and dinner will include the following: (1) a duopoly foreign policy and its regime change agenda via the endless drumbeat for war and, if not war, then the scourge of sanctions; (2) a white-supremacist inspired immigration policy as successor to Obama’s legacy as “Deporter in Chief;” and (3) the endlessly forestalled question of Medicare for All.
The list of speakers is still in formation and will include (1) Dan Kovalik, a labor and human rights lawyer and author; (2) Baldemar Velasquez, President of the Farm Labor Organizing Committee (FLOC, AFL-CIO), (3) Donna Dewitt, President Emeritus of the South Carolina AFL-CIO, (4) Nnamdi Lumumba, Representative, Ujima People’s Progress Party, and (5) Alan Benjamin, Editorial Board member, The Organizer newspaper.
For more information about time and place of the conference, and for an update on panels and speakers, please go to lcipcampaign.org — which is the website of Labor and Community for an Independent Party (LCIP), a nationwide network of labor activists that traces its continuity back to Tony Mazzocchi’s Labor Party Advocates.
Best in Unity,
Tom Sodders,
LEAP Corresponding Secretary